
Occupational Therapy and Autism Ranking: Unable to rate

Cost and Time


In the UK and some other countries, occupational therapy is sometimes provided free of charge via the National Health Service at the point of delivery to affected individuals and their families.

In the USA and other countries the costs may sometimes by covered by schemes such as Medicare, Medicaid, worker's compensation, vocational programs, behavioral health programs, early intervention, and school programs.

Services also may be covered through Social Security, state mental health or mental retardation agencies, health and human services agencies, private foundations, and grants.


The length of treatment varies from individual to individual because some clients may improve much faster than others. Those with more serious or ongoing problems may take longer to help, that is, many years.

Sessions vary in length and intensity depending on whether specific treatment approaches are being integrated into occupational therapy.  Most sessions will last about 45 to 60 minutes and most will be held on a regular basis, often weekly. 

17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Dec 2016
Next Review
01 Nov 2022