
Picture Exchange Communication System and Autism Ranking: Strong positive evidence

Risks and Safety


There are no known hazards for the Picture Exchange Communication System.


There are no known contraindications (something which makes a particular treatment or procedure potentially inadvisable) for the Picture Exchange Communication System.

However, Tincani and Devis (2011) note that PECS requires proper and thorough training if it is to be implemented correctly.

“… the PECS protocol is a complex system requiring myriad teaching procedures, including most-to-least prompting, least-to-most prompting, shaping, chaining, and error correction*. Indeed, Howlin et al. (2007) found that teachers had difficulty maintaining communicative gains achieved with PECS when classroom consultation visits ended, perhaps in part because expert consultation did not fully establish complex teaching repertoires necessary to implement PECS without external support.”

*Please Note: these are behavioural techniques derived from applied behaviour analysis.

17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Sep 2017
Next Review
01 Dec 2023