The costs of applied behaviour analysis vary enormously, depending on the form of ABA/specific techniques being used as well as the number of hours, location of instruction and the qualifications and number of practitioners used.
Some comprehensive, multi-component programmes can be very expensive. For example,
The amount of time required to undertake applied behaviour analysis will depend to a large extent on the form of ABA/specific techniques being used.
For example, some home-based programmes of EIBI consist of 40 hours a week of intensive therapy. The therapy is on a 'one-to-one' basis for 6-8 hours per day, 5-7 days a week for 2 or more years. Teaching sessions usually last 2-3 hours with breaks.
However other forms of ABA may only take a few hours each week or be used only when the problem behaviours occur or if a specific teaching opportunity arises.