

Showing 1 to 20 of 49 Results

Glossary Item Description

ICD-10 is an acronym for the latest (10th) version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.


Idebenone is an organic compound of the quinone family which is supposed to promote nerve growth factor in the brain.


Imipramine is a tricyclic antidepressant sold under various brand names including Tofranil.

Immune Globulin

Immunoglobulins - including intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), gamma globulin or immune serum globulin - are substances derived from human blood plasma.

Immune System

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from infection.

Immuno Therapies

Immuno therapies are a group of interventions which are designed to make the immune system work more effectively.


An immunomodulator is a substance, such as a drug, which has an effect on the immune system.


Implementation is the act of implementing, or putting into effect or fulfilling, something.


Incidence is a measure of the rate of occurrence of new cases of a disease or disorder.

Incidental Teaching

Incidental teaching is a form of teaching in which a teacher takes advantage of naturally occurring 'incidents' or situations to provide learning opportunities for the student.


Inclusion means a wide range of things.  It can mean being accepted by other people, taking part in community life, able to lead an independent life.  Or it can mean able to lead as normal a life as possible, included in the workplace, included in social/recreational activities and offered the same opportunities as others.

Incredible Years

The Incredible Years is a group-based programme that aims to provide developmentally appropriate interventions to parents, children, and teachers.


Inderal is a brand name for propranolol, a type of drug called a β-adrenergic antagonist (beta blocker).

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model

 The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model is a form of supported employment.

Infantile Autism

Infantile autism is another term for autistic disorder. It is also known as autism, childhood autism, early infantile autism, infantile psychosis, or Kanner's syndrome.

Infantile Psychosis

Infantile psychosis is another term for autistic disorder, which is a form of autism. It is also known as autism, childhood autism, early infantile autism, infantile autism, or Kanner's syndrome.

Inflammatory Bowel Disorder

Inflammatory bowel disorder is a chronic inflammatory disease that may occur in any part of the gut.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Infrared sauna therapy or sauna therapy is a treatment which uses infrared radiation to increase circulation and nourish damaged tissue.


InnoPran is a brand name for propranolol, a type of drug called a β-adrenergic antagonist (beta blocker).


Insomnia is a persistent difficulty with sleep initiation, maintenance, duration, consolidation, or quality.

About This Glossary

This glossary is designed to explain some of the jargon and gobbledygook used by some people when they talk about autism or research..

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an item.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.


The fact that an intervention is listed in this glossary does not necessarily mean that we agree with its use. Nor does it necessarily mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.