
Autistic Disorder (Autism)


An intervention is any kind of activity (such as a treatment, a therapy or the provision of a service) that is designed to improve the quality of life for people on the autism spectrum

There are many different types of intervention and the names and numbers of interventions are increasing all the time.

Some interventions are designed to address the core features of autistic disorder (persistent difficulties with social communication and social interaction, along with restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities).

Other interventions are designed to address other issues (such as anxiety, aggression or self injurious behaviour).

Some interventions can be quite simple and straightforward. For example, if someone finds a specific situation difficult (such as being in a noisy, crowded room) you can change the situation (by reducing the noise in the room or by not asking the person to be in that room).

Other interventions may be more complex, requiring a team of professional experts and/or expensive materials and implemented over the course of many years.

Unfortunately some interventions are scientifically unfeasible and potentially hazardous. And there is currently very little scientific research to support the use of some interventions despite sometimes extravagant and misleading claims about their effectiveness.

What the research does show is that, while there is no cure for autistic disorder, some interventions do appear to help at least some individuals.

However there is no 'one-size fits all' solution. Each person with autistic disorder is a unique individual, with unique needs and abilities. The most effective interventions follow some key principles, such as being tailored to meet the unique characteristics of each individual.

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15 Jun 2022