
Personal Accounts of Living with Autism

The Blake Family This section contains personal accounts of what it is like to live with autism. Some of the accounts are from autistic individuals, others are from parents and other carers.

If you would like to share your own account, either for publication on this website or for use when we talk to journalists, please email info@informationautism.org.

We want to know more about how autism affects you, what issues you face on a day to day basis, and how you deal with those issues.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include your story if we feel that it is not appropriate.

Video Accounts

Joe Powell explains some of the everyday challenges of living with Asperger syndrome

Watch more video accounts of living with autism


Published Materials

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Written Accounts

  • Alison Blake. A mother of a child with autism explains how her family struggled with sleep deprivation.
  • Alyson Bradley. Alyson Bradley explains what it is like to be a person with Asperger syndrome.
  • Anna.  A woman explains what it is like to be diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.
  • Anna Lansley.  A woman talks about living with Asperger's syndrome and OCD.
  • Charlie Edwards. Charlie Edwards explains what it is like to be a person with Asperger syndrome.
  • Debbie. Debbie explains how it feels to be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 56.
  • Joe Powell. Joe Powell explains some of the everyday challenges of living with Asperger syndrome.
  • Julia Gardiner. Julia Gardiner explains what it is like to be a person with Asperger syndrome.
  • Liz Frances. A mother talks about her 14 year old son with autism.
  • Miriam Grundy-Evans. A mother describes life with her autistic son Daniel.
  • Naomi. Naomi's mother explains how getting a diagnosis and being cared for by the Disabilities Trust has made a difference to her daughter.
  • Nik. Rebecca Brown provides a personal account of living with a partner who has Asperger syndrome.
  • P.J. A man with Asperger syndrome talks about living with the condition.
  • the Goth. A man with higher functioning autism explains how he finds it difficult to understand other people.
  • Various personal accounts. Selection of personal views of Asperger syndrome.
  • William. A personal account of the difficulties faced by someone with Asperger syndrome.

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15 Jun 2022