
NICE Clincal Guidance on Support for Families, Partners and Carers of Adults on the Autism Spectrum

The following is an extract from "Autism in adults: diagnosis and management." (2012). London: NICE. 

Assessment and Interventions for Families, Partners and Carers Offer families, partners and carers of adults with autism an assessment of their own needs including:

  • personal, social and emotional support
  • support in their caring role, including respite care and emergency plans
  • advice on and support in obtaining practical support
  • planning of future care for the person with autism. When the needs of families, partners and carers have been identified, provide information about, and facilitate contact with, a range of support groups including those specifically designed to address the needs of families, partners and carers of people with autism. Offer information, advice, training and support to families, partners and carers if they:

  • need help with the personal, social or emotional care of the family member, partner or friend, or
  • are involved in supporting the delivery of an intervention for their family member, partner or friend (in collaboration with professionals).

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23 Aug 2021