
Specific Behavioural and Developmental Techniques and Autism

There are numerous techniques which are used within behavioural and developmental interventions. These include

  • chaining - the linking of component behaviours into a more complex, composite behaviour
  • environmental modification - changing something outside the individual (including the actions of other people) which may influence how that individual behaves
  • extinction - the withdrawal or removal of reinforcers of interfering behaviour in order to reduce the occurrence of that behaviour
  • fading - the process of gradually reducing the strength of a prompt
  • fluency building - building up complex behaviours by teaching each element of those behaviours until they require less effort
  • modelling -a  method of teaching in which an individual learns a behaviour or a skill by watching someone demonstrating that behaviour or skill
  • paired associative learning - a method which involves the learner experiencing two stimuli at once or in close proximity and beginning to associate them
  • precision teaching - a technique in which educational decisions are based on a student's own continuous self-monitored performance
  • prompting - a verbal or physical cue or hint that is used to encourage an individual to perform a desired behaviour
  • reinforcement - a response (such as praising or attending to the child's behaviour) that affects the likelihood of that behaviour recurring.
  • scripting - a verbal and/or written description about a specific skill or situation that serves as a model for the learner
  • shaping - a technique, in which successively closer approximations of a desired behaviour are reinforced
  • task analysis - a process in which an activity or behaviour is divided into small, manageable steps in order to assess and teach the skill
  • task organisation -  the process of presenting visually clear information on what a task is about
  • time delay - a brief delay which occurs between the opportunity to use a skill and any additional instructions or prompts
  • time out - a process in which positive reinforcement is removed from an individual for a specified period of time
  • visual supports - the presentation of information in a visually structured manner, that is, using pictures and photos, to make it easier to understand
  • work system - a set of visual information informing an individual what to do while in a work or play area.

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03 May 2022