This database contains information about more than 6,000 publications on autism and related issues.
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This page shows the results of your search for publications containing the term "Social Communication Intervention". See definition (new window)
International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
47(3), pp. 33-44.
Speaking the other's language: imitation as a gateway to relationship.
Infant and Child Development
15(3), pp. 275-282
Dionne M. , Martini R. (2011)
Floor time play with a child with autism: a single-subject study.
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapies
78(3), pp. 196-203
Escalona A. et al. (2002)
Brief report: imitation effects on children with autism.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
32(2), pp. 141-144.
Children with autism display more social behaviors after repeated imitation sessions.
5(3), pp. 317-323.
Girolametto L. , Sussman F. , Weitzman E. (2007)
Journal of Communication Disorders
40(6), pp. 470-492
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
375(9732), pp. 2152 - 2160.
Greenspan S. I. , Wieder S. (1999)
A functional developmental approach to autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
Fall, 24(3), pp. 147-61
Greenspan S. I. , Wieder S. (2005)
pp. 28-31
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
21(3), pp. 174-182