This database contains information about more than 6,000 publications on autism and related issues.
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This page shows the results of your search for publications containing the term "Oxytocin". See definition (new window)
Promoting social behavior with oxytocin in high-functioning autism spectrum disorders.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A
107(9), pp. 4389-4394
Bartz J. A. , Hollander E. (2008)
Oxytocin and experimental therapeutics in autism spectrum disorders.
Progress in Brain Research
170 pp. 451-462
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Behavioural Brain Research
251 pp. 125-132.
Dadds M. R. et al. (2014)
Nasal oxytocin for social deficits in childhood autism: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
44(3), pp. 521-531.
Psychopharmacology Bulletin
48(1), pp. 40-63.
Effects of intranasal oxytocin on the neural basis of face processing in autism spectrum disorder.
Biological Psychiatry
74(3), pp. 164-171.
Farmer C. A. , Thurm A. , Grant P. J. (2013)
Pharmacotherapy for the core symptoms in autistic disorder: Current status of the research.
73(4), pp. 303-314.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
267 pp. 45-50.
Gürkana C. K. , Hagerman R. J. (2012)
Targeted treatments in autism and fragile X syndrome.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
6(4), pp. 1311-1320.
Oxytocin enhances brain function in children with autism.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A
110(52), pp. 20953-20958.
Guastella A. J. et al. (2010)
Intranasal oxytocin improves emotion recognition for youth with autism spectrum disorders.
Biological Psychiatry
67(7), pp. 692-694