This database contains information about more than 6,000 publications on autism and related issues.
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Ames M. E. et al. (2016)
Overview and evaluation of a mentorship program for university students with ASD.
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
March, 31(1), pp. 27-36.
Asaro-Saddler K. , Bak N. (2014)
Persuasive writing and self-regulation training for writers with autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of Special Education
August, 48(2), pp. 92-105.
Banda D. R. , Hart S. L. , Liu-Gitz L. (2010)
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
4(4), pp. 619-625
Bohlander A. , Orlich F. , Varley C. (2012)
Social skills training for children with autism.
Pediatric Clinics of North America
59(1), pp. 165-174.
Carter E. W. et al. (2014)
Promoting social competence and peer relationships for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
Remedial and Special Education
March, 35(2), pp. 91-101.
A systematic review of peer-mediated interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
July, 27 pp. 1-10.
Charlop-Christy M. H. , Schreibman L. , Tryon A. (1983)
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
11(3), pp. 355-366
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
6(3), pp. 1211-1223
Peer-mediated social skills training program for young children with high-functioning autism.
Research in Developmental Disabilities
28(4), pp 423-436
Donaldson A. L. , Olswang L. B. (2008)
Teaching self-initiations within the natural environment: A case study.
Perspectives on Language Learning and Education
15(2), pp. 67-80
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
6(1), pp. 431-441