This database contains information about more than 6,000 publications on autism and related issues.
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Al-Ayadhi L. Y. et al. (2015)
Behavioral benefits of camel milk in subjects with autism spectrum disorder.
Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
November, 25(11), pp. 819-823.
Al-Ayadhi L. Y. , Elamin N. E. (2013)
Camel milk as a potential therapy as an antioxidant in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Al-Ayadhi L. Y. , Al-Drees A. M. , Al-Arfaj A. M. (2013)
Effectiveness of auditory integration therapy in autism spectrum disorders- prospective study.
Autism Insights
5 pp. 13-20.
Halepoto D. M. , Al-Ayadhi L. Y. , Salam A. A. A. (2014)
Therapeutic use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder.
Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
July, 24(7), pp. 508-514.
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Results