This database contains information about more than 6,000 publications on autism and related issues.
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Anagnostou E. et al. (2014)
Autism spectrum disorder: advances in evidence-based practice.
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Brian J. , Bryson S. E. , Zwaigenbaum L. (2015)
Autism spectrum disorder in infancy: developmental considerations in treatment targets.
Current Opinion in Neurology
April, 28(2), pp. 117-123.
Clinical assessment of autism in high-risk 18-month-olds.
12(5), pp. 433-456.
Autism Research
October, 10(10), pp. 1700-1711.
Bryson S. E. et al. (2008)
The Autism Observation Scale for Infants: Scale development and reliability data
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
April, 38(4), pp. 731-738
Children with autism: effect of iron supplementation on sleep and ferritin.
Pediatric Neurology
36(3), pp. 152-158.
Molecular Autism
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