

This section contains links to other websites which contain information about autism and related issues.

In some cases the information on those other websites may be scientifically invalid and unreliable.We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for the sites we link to or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site. Likewise, not linking to a site does not imply lack of endorsement.

Showing 278 to 298 of 298 Results

  • Speech Pathology Australia

    National organisation for the speech pathology profession in Australia.
  • Speech-Language and Audiology Canada

    Canadian organisation which supports and represents the professional needs of speech-language pathologists, audiologists and supportive personnel in Canada.
  • TEACCH Autism Program

    Part of the Department of Psychiatry of the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina in the USA. This site describes the organisation and range of services it can offer, including delivery of the TEACCH programme.
  • Tomatis Development SA

    South African commercial company which provides the Tomatis Method, a type of auditory integration training.
  • Treating Autism

    UK-based parent-led voluntary organisation focusing on treatments and therapies for autism and related disorders.
  • TRIP Database

    Decribes itself as the Internet's leading resources for Evidence-Based Medicine.
  • Triumph Over Phobia

    Contains information about this charity which provides a network of structured self-help groups run by trained, lay volunteers teaching sufferers of phobia and OCD how to overcome their problem.
  • Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance

    US charity which is dedicated to finding a cure for tuberous sclerosis while improving the lives of those affected.
  • Tuberous Sclerosis Association

    UK charity that supports sufferers, promotes awareness, and seeks the causes and best possible management of tuberous sclerosis.
  • UCSB Koegel Autism Center

    Part of the University of California at Santa Barbara, this academic institute aims to increase understanding of autism spectrum disorders, the development and implementation of state-of-the-art pivotal response treatments, as well as the improvement of elementary and secondary education efforts for children with autism and other severe disabilities.
  • UK Brain Bank for Autism

    Part of the Thomas Willis Oxford Brain Collection at Oxford University, this organisation exists to develop a similar programme in the UK to the Autism Tissue Program, which has been developed in the US by Autism Speaks Inc.

  • UK Young Autism Project

    Research based centre specialising in teaching young children with autism, other pervasive developmental disorders and related developmental disorders, using the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
  • University of Essex

    Contains a section on the use of colour in the treatment of visual stress.

  • University Students With Autism And Asperger's Syndrome

    UK site run by a university student who has Asperger syndrome and is for other students with autistic spectrum disorders.
  • Wales Autism Research Centre

    Welsh Research Centre which aims to create positive change for individuals and families affected with autism.
  • Watson Institute

    US educational organization, specializing in educating children with special needs, as well as those professionals and pre-professionals who serve children with special needs. Runs the LEAP programme.
  • Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society

    International organisation which describes itself as the global voice for the protection of whales, dolphins and their environment.
  • Widgit Software Ltd

    UK company which provides a range of software solutions for special needs, including picture cards.
  • William's Syndrome Foundation

    Contains information about this charity which provides information, support and news on William's Syndrome, as well as information about other organisations worldwide.
  • WrongPlanet.net

    Web community designed for individuals (and parents of those) with Asperger's syndrome, autism, ADHD, and other PDDs.