
Son-Rise Program and Autism Ranking: No evidence

Aims and Claims


According to the Autism Treatment Center of America website, accessed on 26 July   2016, the Son-Rise program aims to provide a comprehensive treatment programme.

“The Son-Rise Program teaches a specific and comprehensive system of treatment and education designed to help families and caregivers enable their children to dramatically improve in all areas of learning, development, communication and skill acquisition. It offers highly effective educational techniques, strategies and principles for designing, implementing and maintaining a stimulating, high-energy, one-on-one, home-based, child-centered program.”


There have been various claims for the Son-Rise program ranging from complete cure of autistic children to significant improvements in IQ, communication and social skills.

For example, Raun Kaufman (2005) speaks of “my complete recovery from autism with no trace of my former condition.”

He also states that “Having worked with thousands of people worldwide, we continue to achieve results that have forever changed the face of autism and other developmental disorders.”

However the Autism Treatment Center of America states that its programmes are not a guarantee for any one specific child.

16 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Oct 2016
Next Review
01 Mar 2023