
Publications Database

Showing 800 to 820 of 1045 Results

Smith I. M. et al. (2015)

Effectiveness of community-based early intervention based on pivotal response treatment.

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

June, 45(6), pp. 1858-1872.

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Williams K. J. et al. (2015)

Regression in autism spectrum disorders.

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health

January, 51(1), pp. 61-64.

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Hutchinson N. , Bodicoat A. (2015)

The effectiveness of intensive interaction: A systematic literature review.

Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

November, 28(6), pp. 437-454.

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Keenan M. et al. (2015)

Autism and ABA: The gulf between North America and Europe.

Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

June, 2(2), pp 167-183.

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Showing 800 to 820 of 1045 Results

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