The following is an extract from "Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: support and management" (2013). London: NICE. Ensure that all children and young people with autism have full access to health and social care services, including mental health services, regardless of their intellectual ability or any coexisting diagnosis. The overall configuration and development of local services (including health, mental health, learning disability, education and social care services) for children and young people with autism, should be coordinated by a local autism multi-agency strategy group (for people with autism of all ages) in line with Autism in children and young people (covering identification and diagnosis) (NICE clinical guideline 128) and Autism in adults (NICE clinical guideline 142). The assessment, management and coordination of care for children and young people with autism should be provided through local specialist community-based multidisciplinary teams ('local autism teams') which should include professionals from health, mental health, learning disability, education and social care services in line with Autism in children and young people (covering identification and diagnosis) (NICE clinical guideline 128) and Autism in adults (NICE clinical guideline 142). Local autism teams should ensure that every child or young person diagnosed with autism has a case manager or key worker to manage and coordinate treatment, care, support and transition to adult care in line with Autism in children and young people (covering identification and diagnosis) (NICE clinical guideline 128). Local autism teams should provide (or organise) the interventions and care recommended in this guideline for children and young people with autism who have particular needs, including: looked-after children and young people those from immigrant groups those with regression in skills those with coexisting conditions such as: Local autism teams should have a key role in the delivery and coordination of: Refer children and young people with autism to a regional or national autism service if there is a lack of: Health and social care professionals working with children and young people with autism in any setting should receive training in autism awareness and skills in managing autism, which should include: Take into account the physical environment in which children and young people with autism are supported and cared for. Minimise any negative impact by: Make adjustments or adaptations to the processes of health or social care, for example, arranging appointments at the beginning or end of the day to minimise waiting time, or providing single rooms for children and young people who may need a general anaesthetic in hospital (for example, for dental treatment). Provide children and young people with autism, and their families and carers, with information about autism and its management and the support available on an ongoing basis, suitable for the child or young person's needs and developmental level. This may include: contact details for local and national organisations that can provide: Make arrangements to support children and young people with autism and their family and carers during times of increased need, including major life changes such as puberty, starting or changing schools, or the birth of a sibling. Explore with children and young people with autism, and their families and carers, whether they want to be involved in shared decision-making and continue to explore these issues at regular intervals. If children and young people express interest, offer a collaborative approach to treatment and care that takes their preferences into account. Offer all families (including siblings) and carers verbal and written information about their right to: Offer families (including siblings) and carers an assessment of their own needs, including whether they have: When the needs of families and carers have been identified, discuss help available locally and, taking into account their preferences, offer information, advice, training and support, especially if they: Offer children and young people with autism support in developing coping strategies and accessing community services, including developing skills to access public transport, employment and leisure facilities. Local autism teams should ensure that young people with autism who are receiving treatment and care from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) or child health services are reassessed at around 14 years to establish the need for continuing treatment into adulthood. If continuing treatment is necessary, make arrangements for a smooth transition to adult services and give information to the young person about the treatment and services they may need. The timing of transition may vary locally and individually but should usually be completed by the time the young personis 18 years. Variations should be agreed by both child and adult services. As part of the preparation for the transition to adult services, health and social care professionals should carry out a comprehensive assessment of the young person with autism. The assessment should make best use of existing documentation about personal, educational, occupational, social and communication functioning, and should include assessment of any coexisting conditions, especially depression, anxiety, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and global delay or intellectual disability in line with Autism in adults (NICE clinical guideline 142). For young people aged 16 or older whose needs are complex or severe, use the care programme approach (CPA) in England, or care and treatment plans in Wales, as an aid to transfer between services. Involve the young person in the planning and, where appropriate, their parents or carers. Provide information about adult services to the young person, and their parents or carers, including their right to a social care assessment at age 18. During transition to adult services, consider a formal meeting involving health and social care and other relevant professionals from child and adult